Sometimes people just need a little help to get out of a bad situation…
Meet Tina, the 67th person we’ve helped escape homelessness. We were able to place Tina into her own home today. Tina had some medical problems most of last year that prevented her from working and as a result she was unable to pay her rent and was evicted. She has been homeless since late last year living with different family members trying to save money for a new place, but even after she got a full time job still she needed a little help with the hurdle of the upfront security deposit and first month’s rent. She called us and our financial counselor put together a budget for her and determined a rent amount she could afford. Tina found a rental in that price range and we were able to help her move today in by paying a portion of her security deposit to her landlord. We wish Tina the best of luck in her new home!