Terese, 10/14/16

terese-10-14-16Congrulations Terese for getting into your own home! We were happy to help Terese by building a budget with her and then helping her with the security deposit after she found a rental that fit this budget. We will soon be delivering furniture to turn her new rental into a home! Read her story below:

My name is Terese and I’ve been homeless for over 10+ years. I finally found a better job. As of this email, I’ve been employed consistently for 6 months with the same company! To my surprise, my Orange County Section 8 Housing Voucher (that I’ve been waiting for for 5­ 1/2 yrs.) has finally come through! I found a studio apt. and a manager that will accept my Section 8 voucher! Unfortunately, I have been living paycheck to paycheck with the high rent/program fees at my temporary shelter. Therefore, I have no money saved. The new landlord on my future studio apt. needs a deposit. I have no household items, no bed, no chair, nothing. I need just about everything! All would be wonderful to have again!! Whatever your inventory allows! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! Thank you all so very very much! God bless you! Sincerely, Terese


Terese is the 94th individual we’ve helped this year and the 271 person we’ve helped escape homelessness since our start up 2 years ago.

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