Please join us today in congratulating Noelle and her daughter for getting into their own apartment after recovering from an addiction. We will soon be providing them essential household goods and furniture to turn their new apartment into a real home and to get a fresh start. Read their story below.
Dear OTS,
The way that I became homeless is because I was a very bad alcoholic. I did not care about anything or any one. I did not pay my bills. I didn’t go to work. I lost everything I lost my family. I lost my home and I almost lost my life. I have stayed at a friends house, a shelter, a church, I have slept on the ground, I’ve slept in a park, I have slept in a car, and I have slept in a rehab. Thank God I finally received help to get sober and can have a place for me and my daughter. The specific assistance that I need is a deposit for this new place that I’ve already been approved. I also would need some furniture if possible, if not I can make to due It would be nice. But desperately I just need the deposit because I just don’t have money right now, but I do know I can afford the rent with my my job. My daughter and thank you very much for your help.
Sincerely, Noelle
This family brings our placements this year to 170 and our grand total up to 680 since we started helping the homeless get into permanent housing in 2014. Read more about us at OTSHB.COM.