Milagros and her son, 2/27/16

Milagros and son 2-27-16 - EditedWe want to congratulate Milagros and her son today for getting over the last hurdle of being homeless and getting into permanent housing. We were able to help them by paying their security deposit to get into a rental. Here is their story in her own words:

Hi my name Milagros, I have raised five boys, with only one left to raise. We had to move out of a three bedroom and downgrade to a two bedroom due to housing policies. I currently have one son with me. I have been homeless for two months going on three, having challenges on coming up with required deposits for an apartment and therefore making it a hard for me with very little income. I have a twin son that is in a residential therapeutical program out of state due to mental conditions and substance abuse, therefore, leaving me with many challenges financially and not being able to maintain employment. Now that he is gone to a better place, I had to move leaving me with no options but to look for a two bedroom and now living in hotels and friends homes. My goal is to find a place and be stable and go back to work while currently enrolled in college. Currently I found a place that has accepted my housing voucher and came across your program, Off the Streets, and was blessed to know that this resource is the puzzle that is missing to obtain stability in my situation. I am a firm believer in God and walking by faith and not by what I see is my motto. I pray you consider my story and be a blessing to my family. Thank you and God bless.
Sincerely, Milagros

Milagros, we wish you and your son the very best in your new home. Sincerely, from all of us at OTS-HB!


This family brings the total number of people we’ve helped escape homelessness to 191 since our startup in June of 2014

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