Today we congratulate Dana, her 3 daughters and her grand-daughter for getting out of their homeless situation and into their own rental. We were able to assist Dana by building a budget with her and by helping her with the security deposit. Here’s their story in Dana’s own words:
Good morning, My name is Dana. I am requesting assistance because I do believe that at one point in everyone’s life, they need help from someone or somewhere. This is my time that I need help. Due to having to leave my previous unhealthy and unsafe living conditions, I have been staying rent-free with family and friends, and in a hotel because I knew people were getting tired of us invading their space, which has caused me to run low on money. I will be hired permanent at my job and will be getting an increase that will allow me to take care of my girls and my granddaughter and I will not be in this situation again. I am able to pay the rent on the unit I am interested in and am willing to work the budget that OTS has put in place for me. I just need the initial help to get back on my feet and off the streets.
Thank you, Dana
Congratulations Dana and girls – we wish you the best. from all of us at OTS!
Dana and her family bring the total number of people we’ve helped to 189.