Dear OTS,
Thank you for helping us avoid becoming homeless by paying our security deposit so we could move into another apartment. Read our story below.
Where we were living before we became homeless:
We are not yet homeless, we are still living at the address we rented. After 20 years the landlord decided to sell the property and we have no choice but to move. We were given a 90-day notice to move which will end on 4/30/19. I had moved into this rental with my son, daughter, and granddaughter. My daughter has since passed away five years ago.
How we became homeless:
We are not homeless yet but if we can’t find help with the deposit we will be homeless on 5/1/19 because our 90-day notice will end that day. The landlord raised the rent and our share of the rent went over an amount which we could not afford so we had to look for a rental that we could afford.
How long we have been homeless:
We currently are not yet homeless but will be very soon if we cannot get help with the deposit before our 90-day notice is over. We do not have family or friends we can stay with or any money to stay in hotels in the event we do become homeless.
Where we have been staying since we became homeless:
We are still staying at our rental address we have been at for 20 years. We decided to go with The apartments because their deposit was so low, but after we paid for the credit and background checks and a small holding fee the deposit which we could not come up with in the short amount of time we had left.
What kind of help we need:
The specific help I need is solely for the deposit. The apartments advertised on approved credit. We were approved but we didn’t have a great average credit between three adults and our income is low so they increased the deposit to a huge amount. We wanted to go elsewhere but we invested too much money on fees, and there is nothing else available that we would qualify for.
Where and who we have been living with:
I currently live with my son, 35 and my granddaughter, 20 and I am 60. We all still live together because both my son and granddaughter both take care of me. In 2016 I started bleeding internally but I didn’t find out until about 4 trips to the hospital later. During these trips, I was given too many antibiotics and contracted a deadly GI infection which almost killed me and left me with lasting effects.
Thank you,
Lance, Taylor and Tammie
This family brings the number of people we’ve helped this year up to 19 and our grand total since we started OTS nearly 5 years ago up to 705. Read more about our work at OTSHB.COM