Today we congratulate “L” and her daughter for ending their homeless situation by getting into their own rental. We were happy to build a budget with her and then pay her security deposit after she found a rental she could afford. Read her story of struggling to keep her and her daughter sheltered for the last 4 months:
Hello, My name is “L” and would like to be considered for assistance. Myself and my 10 year old daughter has been homeless since February of this year, 2017. We became homeless because of our previous landlord rent increased outside of my affordability, it was either pay the new proposed rent or stay and eventually get an eviction. I chose to move to prevent further problems down the road. Me and my daughter don’t have any family or a support system in Orange county or period for that matter. We don’t know anybody that would allow us to stay with them, so we are forced to utilize shelters which my daughter is petrified of; so we result to sleeping in our car. We have been sleeping in our car most of the time and when I have funds we are able to get a hotel room sometimes. Because my daughter just got on summer vacation, we did stay close to her school if we slept on our car or got a hotel room. I am seeking assistance to help ensure I secure permanent housing because I have limited to no resources to accommodate the move. It has been an uphill battle trying to find safe places to sleep at night with my daughter and at the same time work and find a permanent place to live. I have now found a rental and now I need assistance with security deposit and household needs. I need your assistance because I don’t have the means to afford the moving fees and/or the household essentials. Even though I have a section 8 voucher, it’s nearly impossible for me to obtain a permanent residence because of the cost to move-in. It would be greatly appreciated if I could get some assistance from OTS. Thank you
“L”, from all of us at OTS, we wish you the best in your new home and look forward to providing you furniture and household goods to get you started in your new home!
This family brings our placements this year to 109 and our grand total placements since we started 3 years ago to 419.