Today we congratulate Jenelle, Bert and their 6 kids for getting into a home of their own. Jenelle and Bert already have 2 kids and are adopting 4 other children who are relatives of theirs without parents. After they provided proof of adoption and then found a rental that fit the budget we built with them, we were happy to pay their security deposit so they could move in. We will soon be providing this family with much needed furniture and household goods to make their rental a real home. Read their story below:
My story…i am a 26 year old female with my fiance Bert and my 2 step children. My dad has become disabled this past year he is going to a senior living home type since he is now on oxygen and takes his medication and all so we had to find a new home… because i recently took in 4 extended family members to adopt because they were in foster care we need a bigger home for all our children..and this was a perfect opportunity since i have to move out and nobody in our family has room for a couple and six children. we will be forever grateful, Jenelle.
This family brings our placements this year to 21 and our grand total since we started OTS in 2014 up to 531.