Today we congratulate Briana and her 3 kids for ending their homeless situation and getting into a place of their own. After she found a place that fit with the budget we built with her, we were happy to pay the security deposit so she and her kids could move in. We will soon be providing this single mom and her kids much needed furniture and household goods to get a new start. Read her story below.
Dear OTS,
This picture was taken last year around Thanksgiving in. We had so much to be thankful for and things took a turn for the worse. I found out that the home I was renting was going into foreclosure due to the landlord filing bankruptcy. I spent the next eight months fighting to stay in my home. We had no family to turn to there and my kids were accepted into an accelerated school. I stayed in communication with the bank the lawyers and the Housing Authority. Only to come home from work with a 24 hour notice to vacate on my door in August. Due to the cost of living I was unable to transfer my section 8 voucher to San Diego but I was able to transfer it to Riverside County. I figured that would still be close enough to family. I figured it wouldn’t take me long to find a place but that was easier said than done. After sleeping on an air mattress in my grandmother’s living room for about a month, her landlord informed her that we would no longer be able to stay as we are not on her lease. To keep from having to take my children to a shelter or my grandmother being at risk in being put out I get my children ready for school and I leave for the day. We return after the leasing office closes so that we can get rest. I have been searching for a place but it’s pretty hard to when I cannot afford the deposit. The Housing Authority has given me an extension to find a place in that expires in two weeks. So if I don’t find a place by then I lose my voucher forever. My children and I came here with four suitcases in search of stability. I would greatly appreciate any help possible and just be given the opportunity to provide for my them what I once thought was so easy to.
Sincerely, Briana
Brianna and her kids bring our placements this year to 13 and our grand total since we started OTS in 2014 up to 523.