Congratulations Earleen! OTS wishes you and your 3 children the very best in your new home. Earleen and her kids have been living in motels and are now in a place of their own after we helped them with their security deposit. Read Earleen’s story below:
Dear OTS, I originally became homeless back in 2010 due to domestic violence. I was living on (skid row) union rescue mission downtown Los Angeles. At which time I was pregnant and had 2 children with me. I was placed on a few low income housing waiting list. I then signed up for permanent housing (Section8) which also was a long wait list. I have been working for almost 2 years now. I met a friend who was renting out a room. I explained to her that I had three kids and was very interested in renting a room with her.I couldn’t afford an apartment with my income; everything was going good until My car broke down I started falling behind on rent I couldn’t catch up she asked me to leave. She said She decided to give her husband another chance and that he felt uncomfortable with me being around that I should start looking for another place to stay. I left I notified the school that I was homeless.The school started digging for resources they have me the OTS number. During this time I received my section 8 voucher got another job full time. I found a unit now here I am asking for assistance for a security deposit. Respectfully, Earleen
This family brings the total number of individuals that OTS has helped escape homelessness to 209 since our start up just under 2 years ago.