Dorothy, Richard, and daughter, 6/10/18

Please join us in congratulating Dorothy, Richard, and their daughter for ending their homeless situation by getting into their own rental. Dorothy was a real pleasure to work with because she has so much passion and motivation to improve her family’s situation. We will soon be providing this family with all the furniture and household goods they need to get a fresh start in their new rental. Read their story of struggle and triumph below:

Dear OTS,

We have lived in our apartment for 8 years and appreciated it very much. On March 23, 2018, we received a 90 day notice to vacate our apartment. We were shocked and anxious because we knew affordable apartments were very difficult to find. We were told by management that our name was drawn in a lottery and they wanted their property back. We asked if we had done anything wrong and were told we didn’t. We respect the apartment complex rules. I have section 8 housing because 8 was homeless and have low income. My ex husband left me when I was 4 months pregnant with my daughter and I had a 3 year old son and family far Away.

My husband, Richard, has also been homeless and was physically and emotionally abused as a child. He has a limited education and difficulty reading and writing. He also has a limited vocabulary. Considering his issues, he has been able to obtain employment for the last 5 years as an environmental sprayer or weed abatement. He works very hard and went from $11.00 an hour to $14.00 in the past year. He works full time. He helped me raise my 2 children and I appreciate it very much.

I’m a massage therapist and almost 60 years old. I can only do so many massages and have done up to 30 per week. I earn approximately $250.00 per week on average. My job has some flexibility which has allowed me to take my daughter to and from school every day because it isn’t within walking distance. My daughter struggles in school and I help her as much as possible. We were able to find a student tutor for her from Cal State Long Beach who helps my daughter with math and her self esteem. She has an IEP through the Garden Grove School district which also helped her. She does a lot of volunteer work with children and loves children. She plans on getting her teaching credential and will attend Goldenwest College in the fall. I’m very happy for her.

We struggle to pay our bills every month and have no savings. I stretch every dollar as far as I can by shopping sales and using coupons. We don’t have money for a deposit and hope Off the streets can help us. We would appreciate it very much. We wish we didn’t have to move but have no choice. Thank you for your help. -Dorothy

This family brings our placements this year to 86 and our grand total to 596 since we started housing the homeless in 2014. Read more about our mission of housing the homeless at OTSHB.COM

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