Today we congratulate Cesar, Isha and their son for ending their homeless situation by getting into their own rental. When they called us for help, we built a budget with them and after they found a rental that they could afford, we were happy to pay their security deposit so they could move in. We will soon be delivering much needed furniture and household goods to this family. They have struggled financially due to legal bills related to gaining custody of their other children from their former spouses. Cesar works two jobs everyday and his wife works in the mornings. They have been living out of his car and sometimes in a friend’s house living room in Orange. As he works two jobs we basically only sleep in the car. Other than that they try to stay busy at the park or other events. Sometimes their friends let them shower and do laundry at their houses. Sometimes they shower at the park bathrooms. Cesar has never owned his own rental before so this is a big day and a new start for this family!
This family brings our placements this year to 26 and our grand total to 536 since we started OTS-HB in 2014. Read more about our mission of housing the homeless at OTSHB.COM.