Today we placed Cassandra into her own place, ending several months of homelessness. She became homeless a few months ago when the living situation she was in turned bad and she chose to leave that before things got out of hand. She works full time but didn’t have any friends or family in the area, so she lived on the streets and in a motel located closer to her job. Unfortunately, as is the case with many homeless who live in motels, she was paying almost her entire check every week just to stay there, preventing her from saving any money to move into a more stable place. Cassandra called us several weeks ago, we built a budget with her, she found an affordable rented room that fit her budget, and we paid the security deposit which allowed her to move in today.
Cassandra, from all of us at Off The Streets, we congratulate you and wish you the very best in your new home.
Cassandra is the 94th person we’ve helped escape homelessness in less than a year after we started operations.