Today we celebrate Brian getting off the streets and into permanent housing. Here’s his story in his own words…
Hello, my name is Brian I am an currently an unemployed restaurateur. Last April I was divorced from a fifteen year marriage and lost all of my material and non-material possessions. In need of temporary housing I quickly resorted to staying at hotels as a quick term solution. During the last year of change, many unfortunate things have happened including a loss of a job and custody of my children. I have been trying to overcome unemployability by having a more permanent residence but have not been able to overcome the issue of double the monthly payment (deposit and 1st months rent) while maintaining current temporary housing at the same time. Many life lessons where learned during my 15 years of marriage and raising a seventeen year old step daughter and 8 year old son and I don’t regret my marriage to my wonderful ex-wife. Yet, the struggle to end the strife of trying to rebuild after to regain independence and subsequently custody would be a dream come true!
I really appreciate your help in setting up this wonderful opportunity with me. I get the benefits of sleep, downtime, and enjoyment in the same place. And for more than just check in and out. I am ecstatic that it took me awhile to find the right components to vindicate my housing struggle.
I know now that it was suppose to be apart of my interpersonal growth, as I struggled to find the right fit. I appreciate you never giving up on me or the other persistent homeless, and enabling a safe haven for future days and the satisfaction of knowing where I will be today.
A Sincere, Thank You!
Brian is the 95th homeless individual we’ve taken off the streets since our start up a year ago.