Adriana and 3 kids, 8/1/16

Adrian and 3 kids 8-1-16We want to congratulate Adriana and her 3 kids for getting out of their homeless situation and into a place of their very own today. Adriana worked with us for several months and her persistence finally paid off. Read her story below:

My name is Adriana. I have three small kids from age 1 ,4 and 5, Last year in November my situation with my babies’ father got real bad. I had to do something about it. I asked my sister in law to take my girls to stay with her when she could have them without interfering in her work and personal life. I kept my son with me in orange county after all my saving was used to paying the motel I had no where for us to stay. I made a fast food restaurant my new home it was quiet and I felt very safe with having my son with me. When I found out about OTS Huntington beach I didn’t believe it was true but I said oh well im gonna try it anyways, my last hope for help all my hope was gone. I felt like no one cared about my situation nor did they wanna help me. After speaking with OTS I knew OTS was gonna be the one to help get us off the street. I did everything that was asked of me, almost a year later I found the right place. I didn’t think the program was gonna give me there assistance cause of the length of time it took to find the right place but something reminded me of the only hope they provided me when I was lost and in need of assistance. I got a warm feeling in my gut that said call it doesn’t hurt to ask if they would still help. I called and like lighting in a bad storm they were back in action working with me to complete my process to move in a safe place for me and my children. Thank you all at OTS FOR HELPING US WHEN NO ONE ELSE WOULD. A SPECIAL THANKS FOR BEING SO PATIENT AND UNDERSTANDING OF MY SITUATION AND KNOWING HOW CRITICAL THIS WAS FOR ME. THANKS TO ALL DONORS WHO TAKE THE TIME OUT OF THERE BUSY LIVES TO CARE FOR THE HOMELESS AND HELP ALL THEY CAN CAUSE WITH OUT DONORS LIKE YOU THIS OTS PROGRAM WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE. Signed, Adriana

Adriana, from all of us at OTS we wish you and your kids the very best in your new home.


This family brings the total number of individuals we’ve helped escape homelessness this year to 59, and the total we’ve helped since we started 2 years ago to 236.

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