Temeka and her 2 kids, 1/23/16

Temeka and 2 kids 1-25-16We are so happy to report that Temeka and her 2 kids were able to move into their own rental today after being homeless for over the last month. Based on poor living conditions in her last rental that were affecting the health of her children, she was forced to leave and has been staying with friends and family, unable to afford both first month’s rent and the security deposit to get into another rental. Tameka called us and qualified based on her situation, we built a budget with her, and she was able to find a rental that fit this budget. She was a pleasure to work with and followed all of our advice. In addition, her new landlord was wonderful to work with as well.

Temeka and kids – CONGRATULATIONS!

This family brings the total number of people that we have helped escape homelessness to 182 since we started a year and a half ago.

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