Today we congratulate Maya and her 2 daughters for ending their homeless situation and getting into a rental of their own. We built a budget with Maya to show her how much rent she could afford. She found a rental that met this budget and we were happy to help them get in by paying the security deposit. This single Mom and her 2 daughters will now get to spend Christmas in a home of their own. Read Maya’s story below:
Hi my name is Maya, I’m a single mom of 2 beautiful girls. My 7 year old daughter has high functioning autism. We also have her emotional support dog Poseidon. My older daughter is 18 she goes to school and works full time. And I myself who also works full-time. We were all living in a condo. At the beginning of October the owner sold it we had to move. With very little time to prepare or save for moving expenses. It left us with no place to go. The little money we had at the time went real quick having to pay for hotels and food. Since we didn’t have a spot to cook we had been eating a lot of fast food. In the beginning I was ashamed to ask for help. Then I realized I would have to. We began staying at friends homes and could start saving everything we could. Its now almost Christmas and a new year. It would be wonderful to be settled in a place of our own for the holidays and start the new year in a place that we could call home. Now almost 3 months later. We have found an apartment . It’s conveniently located to where my older daughter can continue to work at her job and doesn’t have to change schools . My younger daughter won’t have to change schools either. Between my older daughter and I we have the money to pay our rent and bills. Although not quite enough for the deposit. With a little bit of help I know that we would be ok and be able to make it on our own. As this has been very difficult on all of us as a family. All we can do is stay positive and pray that we will soon have a place to call home.
Maya and girls, congratulations and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. From all of us at OTS.
This family brings our total placements this year to 131 and our grand total to 308 since we started two and half years ago