Laura and Steve, 4/16/16

Laura and Steve - EditedCongratulations to Laura and Steve today for getting out of the motels they have been living in and into their own rental. They were able to find a rental that fit the budget we built with them so we were able to help with the security deposit. Here’s a letter that Laura wrote to us:

Dear OTS,
Steve has found a good paying job again and we are staying at a hotel, every penny we get goes to the hotel room, we just need a fresh start the both of us, we’re engaged to be married, we really need a hand up to get on our feet, get a home, get out of the unhealthy environment of the hotels, we are sober, good &.Christian God fearing people with not so easy past lives, we are in hopes of getting our home, getting married, and getting things cleared up in the courts thank you for hearing our plea and what you guys do is a true blessing, there needs to be more opportunities like yours for people who really need it and will benefit from the resources,
God bless, Sincerely, Laura & Steve

Steve and Laura bring our total placements to 200 individuals since we started OTS just under 2 years ago.

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