Congratulations to Kristina and her 2 kids for getting into their own apartment this past week. They have been homeless since June, staying with friends, not paying rent. She tried staying at the Motel 6 but couldn’t afford it anymore. Here’s their story in her own words:
“In March of this year, the company I worked for was down to just two employees, myself and the owner. I had already taken a cut in hours and unfortunately, my boss could no longer afford to pay me. After 5 years at a much loved job, I found myself unemployed. As I searched for new full time employment I became late on my April rent. The property management where I was living with my children since January 2014 would not accept any partial payments towards my monthly rent, plus late fees and by the time I saved up the total for April, May became due. I did find new employment in May and I tried speaking with my landlord/property manager with regards to my situation, but they were firm that rent was due on the 1st, period. In order to avoid an eviction being filed against me I agreed to move out in June I paid all back rent and was on time with my June rent. I look forward to setting up house and having our own space again.
Thank you, Kristina”
With her new job, Katrina had enough money for her monthly rent but not enough for the security deposit. This is where we were able to help her obtain a home again by paying her security deposit.
Kristina, we wish you and your kids the very best in your new place.
Sincerely, Off The Streets
This family brings the total number of people we’ve helped escape homelessness to 122.