Jeannette and son, 8/27/17

Today we congratulate Jeannette and her son for not only ending their homeless situation but also for reuniting! Jeannette has been without a home of her own since 2015 and as a result lost custody of her kids. When she got a steady job, she contacted us, we built a budget with her, and she was able to find a rental that fit her budget, which now allows her to reunite with her oldest son. Read her story below:

My name is Jeannette and I am a mother who is 19 months into recovery. I recently moved to the area due to becoming homeless due to my addiction in 2015. For the past 13 years of my life I was addicted to anything I could get my hands on. I had my first encounter with life changing events in 2010 to end my life with 4 young children upstairs in their room. I was completely overwhelmed and exhausted with life. I would not be successful since I made it out alive. I then continued in my addiction for the next three years which by then I had had my fifth child, my only girl, and still couldn’t seem to accept that I had a problem. That I was a sick person that needed help. I did three treatments and two outpatient treatments and I was unable to find peace in my recovery so I relapsed. I made the decision to change my life in 2016 and would be more willing than ever before because just a month earlier in 2015 I was told that I lost parental rights to my kids and that I would not be able to get them back. At that time, I moved out to the Coachella Valley in Jan 2016 and have since been sober and working on regaining everything that I lost in my addiction. I managed to get my life in order and complete a treatment. Shortly after that my counselor advised me of a peer employment training that was being held in the area and so I went to it and completed it. I am currently employed at a mental health facility where I am recovery coach assigned to help instill hope in others when they are down and do not feel that there is any home. I have an open CPS case with my oldest and the only requirement left to get him home is that I have stable housing for him. I really would benefit from this assistance since it would be a step in the right direction for me to get my kids back.

Jeannette – from all of us at OTS, Congratulations on your new home!

This family brings our total placements this year to 134 and our grand total since we started just over 3 years ago to 444.

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