Please join us in congratulating Derrick and his 2 kids for ending their homeless situation by getting into their own rental today. After we built a budget with Derrick and he found a rental that fit this budget, we were happy to help them with the security deposit so they could move in. Read their story below.
Dear OTS,
The reason I’m homeless is that the owner wanted to move his immediate family back into the home. He didn’t want the to rent to private parties any more. He said he wanted to keep it in the family. I had been there for two years and I didn’t want to move but due to the fact it’s his house what could I do, so me and my sons moved out of his home.
Three months me and my sons have been homeless since since june of 2018. We have been living with friends and sometimes we would sleep in my truck sometime hotels but that got very costly with two kids. We would sleep in my friends garage and on the couch or in the supermarket parking lots or in front of friends house. I’m now staying with my friend in the garage and they are going to be relocating to another state in a few weeks, so I have to move out and find my own place.
I need help with my security deposit because my job had cut my hours do to the company switching over owners. Also I had became sick and the doctor took me off work and lost hours. I could use help with the security deposit so I can use my remaining funds for my two children and food and necessities.
Thank you, Derrick
This family brings our placements this year to 150 and our grand total since we started OTS back in 2014 up to 660. Read more about our mission of housing the homeless at OTSHB.COM.