Please join us today in congratulating Cedrick, a single Dad, and his son for getting into their own rental. They had to leave their last place due to a change of ownership and legal battles within the owner’s family. Cedrick decided to leave to avoid having an eviction on his record. He contacted us, we built a budget with him, and after he found a rental that fit his budget we were happy to help pay the security deposit. We wish this father and son the very best in their new place. Read their story below.
Dear OTS,
The reason I need your help is due to my situation me with me and my son sleeping from here to there. With my son I’m trying to get a stable home for us. He is starting school in a couple of weeks and I need a stable home. This situation is so stressful for him and me. He is tired. He tells me dad I want my own bed and I tell him soon son. I really hate the fact that I’m in this situation. This was out of my control. When people want their property back you can’t fight them. You just have to leave and their not good owners. What more could I do without risking an eviction? So me and my son just moved and have been from here to there with friends (in my car, in their garage). I managed to save my first months rent. I just really need help with the security deposit. I was praying and I found someone that would help me and my son – you are godsend and I really feel blessed. I feel his agency was sent to me by god – I’m a Christian and I kept praying for some help. I go to church faithfully and I really want to thank you and your organization for assisting me with getting stable again. My son is happy that we are going to be moving soon. I’m really excited about being stable again. There’s nothing like your own piece of mind I have some really bad days, but thanks to you all I KNOW MY GOOD DAYS ARE AHEAD OF ME.
Thank you very much Cedrick
This family brings our placements this year to 99 and our grand total since we started OTS in 2014 up to 609. Read more about our charity at OTSHB.COM.