Today Jeff got into a home of his very own after being homeless for the past 5 months. Here’s a summarized version of his story:
“Dear OTS…thanks for your HELP…very much appreciated by this disabled Senior. My story is that I was evicted from my Senior living apartment in HB (which was my dream apartment) due to a series of unfortunate misunderstandings with the landlord, even though I always paid my rent on time and had great relationships with my neighbors. I simply wasn’t equipped to fight the reasons for my eviction. So for over 3 months I bounced from pillar to post sometimes staying in my car or settling for a cheap Motel…eating at McDonalds mostly and on Denny’s value menu at less than $4 a meal. I recently found a hostile in Santa Ana (16 miles more 1 way or 36 miles R/T to see my Multiple MDs) to stay in a semi private room…sharing a bathroom with up to 10 people…it was a disgusting experience!!!…one I can’t wait to get out of.
Thanks again OTS…I know you put more time into this project of getting me housed than you needed to…Have a great day!…Best, Jeff”
Jeff is the 110th homeless individual we have helped get into permanent housing.