Today we congratulate Angel and her daughter for getting into their own place. Angel called us in early January needing help we finding a place to stay, so we built a budget with her and she was then able to find a rental that fit this budget. We were happy to pay their security deposit so they could move in. Read her story below:
I was separated from my husband in late May 2017 and was left with all the bills. At that time, rent was due however it was paid late which included a late fee. Every month after that I was borrowing money and that led me into owing more than I could pay back. In the month of October I was notified that my check was being garnished by 25% when in fact after doing the calculations my check was being garnished 35%. This caused a major decrease in my check on top of me owing people back that I borrowed money from. I was not able to pay my November rent due to the garnishment and was served with an eviction notice several weeks thereafter. I didn’t have the money to pay. During this time, our lights were cut off. This hurts me as I have to relive this by typing it but this is what I was experiencing while trying to stay strong for my daughter. We didn’t have anywhere to stay. I was informed of a service that helps with electricity but was turned down. The next day we went back to the apartment to change clothes and all the lights were on; that was a blessing! For food I go to the food banks so we can have something to eat. On January 4, 2017, I was summoned to court. On that day, they allowed me to January 9,2017 (today) to have all personal belongings out of the apartment. And as of today, we are officially homeless with nowhere to go. I have never been in this situation before and would never want to wish this upon anyone. I was given a budget which is very reasonable for me and would be more than grateful for this generous help in my time of need. All I want is a place for me and my daughter. All we have is my car where majority of our clothes are. If you can please help me in this time of need and assist us with a security deposit I would be more than appreciative as this means we would have a roof over our heads!
Thank you, Angel
Angel and her daughter bring our placements this year to 3 and our grand total since we started OTS in 2014 up to 513. Read about our Campaign to House 1000 Homeless by 2020.